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Getting Textbooks to Zero Student Cost: ZTC and OER

Merced College Library guide with resources for lowering student textbook costs.

Building Your Own OER?

Attributions can get complicated when you are creating your own text from multiple, existing OER. Not all licenses are compatible. 

Giving Credit

Attribute Responsibly

When you use OERs, you need to give credit via an attribution near the reused material. For example, a YouTube video with a Creative Commons (CC) license needs to have the license stipulated and linked to the appropriate CC license webpage above or below the video. Think of this a bit like citations within the text of a document. 

TASL Method

Best Practices

Link Rot / Dead Links

  • When writing an attribution statement for a source when the original source has been taken offline, use the Wayback Machine to potentially generate an archived link. 
  • Wikipedia's method for link rot is to source the link to the Wayback Machine with "Archived from the original [ink to the original] on [date referenced in the Wayback Machine]

Attribution Builders

The generators below may be helpful for creating attributions.