Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Laboratory ManualA PDF containing exercises to print for use in the lab environment is available for download in the book's Introduction. This laboratory manual is meant to be used in a lab course that accompanies a college-level introductory human anatomy course. It covers the language of anatomy, cells and tissues, and the organ systems that comprise the human body. Multiple open textbooks were adapted to create this lab manual. Attribution for these sources are provided at the end of each chapter.This lab manual builds on the work of several experts who have shared their own OER in the past. Thank you to the authors of these works for your contributions to the OER field! Adapted works include: Douglas College Human Anatomy & Physiology I by the Douglas College Biology Department, Anatomy, Physiology, and Medical Language by NSCC, Kimberlee Carter, Marie Rutherford, and Douglas College Biology Department, Human Anatomy (OERI) by Whitney Menefee, Julie Jenks, Chiara Mazzasette, & Kim-Leiloni Nguyen, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology 1E and 2E by Betts, et al, and Lumen Learning's Biology I Laboratory Manual.