"What if instead of teaching around the text, lecturing, or summarizing for students, teachers engaged students in actually grappling with text—reading and talking about what it means and how they figured it out?" (WestEd, "Our Apprenticeship Approach")
The Reading Apprenticeship (RA) metacognitive framework uses reading and comprehension approaches that help students build critical thinking skills to help them successfully read, understand, and connect to their texts in classes across the disciplines, from English to Science.
"Reading Apprenticeship instructional routines and approaches are based on a framework that describes the classroom in terms of four interacting dimensions that support learning: Social, Personal, Cognitive, and Knowledge-Building" (WestEd, "The Reading Apprenticeship Framework"). The image below represents the four dimensions of the RA framework with details about each.
WestEd. (2017). Our Apprenticeship Approach. Retrieved from
WestEd. (2017). The Reading Apprenticeship Framework. Retrieved from
"I can bring my own knowledge to the text."
"Rereading is not a sign that I am a slow reader, but it means that I am working to make meaning."
"Teachers sometimes do not see what I do not know, so asking for clarification as the teacher models helps me."
"Different strategies are used for different texts. I discovered that there are many ways of reading."
"Talking aloud helps me figure out meaning because I am hearing it and reading it at the same time."
"Reading is not a simple task."
The testimonials above were provided by Renton Technical College students.