We are building a teaching and learning community across the Merced College and Los Banos Campuses. Feel free to contact any members if you would like to get involved or if you have questions about implementing RA in your classroom.
If you are interested in having an Embedded Peer Mentor (or EPM) in your classroom contact either Melissa Fries or Melissa Rocha.
The quickest way to be acquainted with Reading Apprenticeship is to attend a Faculty Interest Group Meeting (or FIG), and bring your questions face to face.
If you are currently practicing metacognitive instructional strategies in your classes, please consider contributing lesson plans or other instructional materials to be added to this guide as a resource for other faculty. We are also seeking faculty who would be willing to be video interviewed about their metacognitive instructional approaches and ongoing professional development in this area. Please contact one of the SAC RA Community of Practice Members for additional information.
This space will soon provide lesson plan ideas and interviews with Merced faculty and students currently using RA metacognitive instructional strategies within their courses.
Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dow.png (Public Domain)
"Reading Apprenticeship helps college and university students from across disciplines and levels to develop advanced academic literacies, including disciplinary specific ways of reading, writing, researching and problem solving. Whether the focus is developmental, career/technical, or advanced coursework, Reading Apprenticeship is an effective framework, integrating explicit attention to disciplinary habits of mind through high impact pedagogical practices based in inquiry and metacognitive conversation."
NOTE: The following preliminary RA resources are intended to help faculty begin implementing commonly used RA strategies into their curriculum. For a more exhaustive list of RA resources, please visit Reading Apprenticeship Resources