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HIST 17A Hoyt

United States History and United States Constitution

Research is Not Linear

Research Questions

Exploratory Research

While I do encourage exploring topics through your textbook, Wikipedia, Google, AI, etc., there are some library databases, which are subscriptions to content that is not necessarily available for free online, that you may want to use to get broad background about a topic.

First: Reference Sources

The following is a list of library databases that point to reference sources. Reference sources provide definitions, key figures, dates, terms, references to learn more, etc. Using reference sources, which can include print and electronic encyclopedias, manuals, handbooks, dictionaries, etc., can help you learn context related to a topic before diving into more specific research.

  • Think of African American Experience, American Indian Experience, Asian American Experiences, and Latino American Experience as each an electronic encyclopedia
  • Encyclopedia Britannica is one electronic encyclopedia.
  • Gale eBooks contains content from multiple electronic encyclopedias.
  • Salem Press is mostly made up of content from multiple electronic encyclopedias but also contains other types of books.

Next: Scholarly eBooks and Journal Articles

After developing a general idea, which may be the result of using Wikipedia, Google, AI, and/or library reference databases, I would also treat my first few searches for scholarly books and journal articles from an exploratory standpoint, recognizing that the sources I initially skim and email / download may not be the ones I actually use in my paper.  

The following is a list of library databases that contain a mixture of article types (not just journals) and scholarly eBooks from a variety of subjects, including history.

  • Academic One File s a database from Gale that focuses on multiple subjects. 
  • EBSCOhost Web (all databases) cross-searches the library's 35+ databases from EBSCO. 
  • JSTOR is a database from Ithaka that focuses on multiple subjects, but is very good for history as a discipline.