Tutorial |
Outcomes |
How to Use / Additional Information |
Recognizing Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Sources (15 minutes)
- differentiate between primary, secondary, & tertiary sources
- recognize that format alone doesn't determine whether a source is primary, secondary, or tertiary
- recognize that what is considered primary, secondary, & tertiary may be different between disciplines
- Content fully updated as of July 2023
- Updated in the Canvas Commons in August 2023
- While this tutorial may be more relevant for history, we have found that students need some help when determining primary sources between disciplines.
Recognizing Popular, Trade, & Scholarly Articles (20 minutes) |
- differentiate between popular, trade, and scholarly articles
- distinguish between scholarly articles from the sciences/social sciences and the arts/humanities
- read scholarly journal articles more efficiently
- understand how the information cycle determines the kinds of sources available on a topic
- Fully updated as of August 2023
- Updated in the Canvas Commons in August 2023
- This tutorial helps students recognize some of the types of sources that they can find in the library's databases. It's important to recognize that the library also subscribes to popular sources from conservative and liberal magazines, etc.
- It also provides students with information about how to research "new" topics that don't have much scholarly literature.
- We recommend that students learn about source types before searching in databases.
Recognizing Literature Review Articles (15 minutes) |
- distinguish between original/empirical and review articles
- differentiate between various types of literature review articles
- Content fully updated as of July 2023
- Added to the Canvas Commons in August 2023
- We recommend this tutorial for students who are already familiar with the differences between popular and scholarly articles, which is covered in the Recognizing Scholarly, Popular, & Trade Articles tutorial
Understanding Peer-Reviewed Science & Health Articles (20 minutes) |
- differentiate between popular and scholarly articles
- read scholarly journal articles more efficiently
- differentiate between types of scholarly articles
- define open access
- recognize signs of predatory journals
- identify recommended science- and health-related library databases
- Content fully updated as of July 2023
- Updated in the Canvas Commons in August 2023
- We recommend that students complete this tutorial with either the Using CINAHL Complete or Using Science Full Text Select tutorials.
- The library faculty can create a module for you that has multiple assignments in one place--you would just need to add points and the rubrics.
Using Reference Sources & Scholarly Books (15 minutes) |
- recognize the value of reference sources
- use Wikipedia for academic research
- recognize major components of scholarly books
- read scholarly books for academic research
- distinguish between monographs and anthologies
- find reference sources & scholarly books through the library
- Content fully updated as of July 2023
- Added to the Canvas Commons in August 2023
Finding Book Reviews (10 minutes) |
- explain the purpose of book reviews
- distinguish between various types of book reviews
- find book reviews via OneSearch
- Content fully updated as of July 2023
- Added to the Canvas Commons in August 2023
- Depending on your outcomes, you may also be interested in having students complete the Finding Literary Criticism tutorial
Finding Demographic Statistics (30 minutes) |
- understand the role of the U.S. Census Bureau
- explain why the census is conducted every 10 years
- recognize the limitations of the Decennial Census
- identify other useful surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau
- use the U.S. Census Bureau glossary
- distinguish between race and ethnicity
- recognize information gaps related to sexual orientation and gender identity
- use effective strategies to find statistics and data related to a topic and/or geography
- Content fully updated as of July 2023
- Added to the Canvas Commons in August 2023
Finding Literary Criticism (15 minutes) |
- recognize that literary criticism can be found in journal articles and books
- identify library search tools that can help you find literary criticism
- use search strategies to help you narrow results to literary criticism
- Content fully updated as of July 2023
- Added to the Canvas Commons in August 2023
- Depending on your outcomes, you may also be interested in having students complete the Finding Book Reviews tutorial