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ENGL 01A Temple: Choosing Sources

College Composition and Reading

What Makes a Source "Good"?

It depends on your information need!

For example, in some cases, newspaper articles or blog posts are what you will need, and, in other cases, you might need a research article from a journal or a chapter from a book. Different sources are produced in different ways and serve different purposes.

Learning about different types of sources is the first step to help you make better decisions about information.

For this assignment, your professor has asked that you use the library's databases, which are search tools that provide access to all kinds of different sources, many of which are not available for free online, including articles from magazines, newspapers, trade journals, and scholarly journals; company profiles; images and films; books and book chapters, etc. Not all sources are equal, and you will need to evaluate everything you find for your specific needs.

Evaluating Sources for Credibility

North Carolina State University Libraries (3:14)