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ENGL 01A Temple: How Can Books Help?

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How to Read a Book for Research

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Specialized Encyclopedias and Reference





each chapter is written by the same author or authors

The Adulteration of Children’s Sports: Waning Health and Well-Being in the Age of Organized Play

Cover of the book The Adulteration of Children's Sports

each chapter is written by a different author or set of authors

Law and Sport in Contemporary Society

Cover of the book Law and Sport in Contemporary Society

entries may have specific authors; look for any names listed at the beginning or end of entries

Encyclopedia of Title IX and Sports

Cover of the Encylclopedia of Title IX and Sports


Anatomy of a Book

Books can provide history and chronologies, overviews of topics, in-depth coverage of a topic, and bibliographies. Reference books can be great starting places to get a background on your topic. Scholarly books are published by an academic publisher and contain references to outside research.

The table below describes the components of scholarly books. The majority will have the sections listed below.

Title Page provides the publication information you need to properly cite the book, such as the complete title (sometimes, book have subtitles), names of all authors or editors, edition of the book if there is more than one, name of the publisher, city of publication, and date of publication.
Table of Contents provides the publication information you need to properly cite the book, such as the complete title (sometimes, book have subtitles), names of all authors or editors, edition of the book if there is more than one, name of the publisher, city of publication, and date of publication.
List of Illustrations provides a list of photographs, drawings, tables, or other types of illustrations used to support the contents of the book, usually with corresponding page numbers.
Preface / Foreword / Introduction provides the reader with the author's intention or purpose for writing the book, as well as a sense of the kind of research that was used to produce the book.
Bibliography / References / Further Readings a list of sources that were used to create the book or a list of additional sources on the topic. Bibliographies may be located at the ends of chapters throughout the book, or at the end of the book.
Index located at the back of the book, the index is an alphabetical list of the specific subjects in the book, along with the corresponding page numbers. Indexes may provide names, dates, events, geographic locations, and other terms related to the contents of the book. Browsing an index is an excellent way to identify exactly where in the book relevant information may be located. An index can also provide subject terms and keywords that might be useful for further research on a topic.

From Cayuga Community College Library's "How to Use Books for Research" guide.