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NUTR 43 Pecchenino: Databases and Magazines

Searching Tips!

Select the database you want to search first, then type your keywords...

Too many to choose from?  We agree!  Look below for recommendations!

Reference Databases

Steps to get print magazines in Merced College Library

The Merced College Library subscribes to over 100 different magazines and newspapers in print.

I would suggest you browse through PARENTS magazine for ideas on creating meals for children.

Many of our databases, such as OmniFile and MasterFile, and Primary Search, contain articles on cooking for children.

You will need your student ID card to see the magazines. They stay in the library.

Databases in the EbscoHOST group

Selecting the specific databases to use for your subject is the first step in a successful EBSCO search.  For this class, please choose the following (note: do NOT select all):

  • Academic Search Complete

  • Omni File Complete

  • Master File Complete

Once in EBSCO, choose your databases by selecting Choose Databases.

Select and Log in using your Merced College Portal Student.Name and Password

Select from the list of 30+ EBSCO databases 2 ways:

1: From the list of all databases:



2.  From within an EBSCO database:


Newspapers, periodicals and more...

Google for recipes

Google Web Search