"Access Science: Getting Started" (2:02) is by Cincinnati State Library
EBSCO's new user interface went into effect on September 1, 2024, so it will take some time to develop brand-new tutorial videos. In the meantime, the team at EBSCO has several webpages with how-to information for EBSCO eBooks.
"Britannica Online" (5:17; clip automatically starts at 1:01) is by Diablo Valley College Library
"An Introduction to Gale Ebooks" (5:15; clip automatically starts at 2:11) is by PCC Library is licensed under CC BY 4.0
"Salem Press - Search Walk-Through" (2:52; clip automatically starts at 12 seconds) by Lincoln Land Community College Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
"CQ Researcher - Search Overview" (6:00) by Lincoln Land Community College Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0
Note that when you initially click on CQ Researcher in the databases list, you will be directed to CQ Press, which has a number of products. You will need to select CQ Researcher from this list.
"Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints Database Tutorial" (2.53) by CUW Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0
"Using SIRS Researcher" (1:52' clip automatically starts at 32 seconds) by Missouri State University Libraries
"Gale Academic OneFile Database Search" (4:13; clip automatically starts at 55 seconds) by Sandburg Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0
"Introduction to the New EBSCOhost - Tutorial" (4:37) is by EBSCO Tutorials
EBSCO's new user interface went into effect on September 1, 2024, so it will take some time to develop brand-new tutorial videos. In the meantime, the team at EBSCO has developed a general EBSCO tutorial that will work for most of the library's 36 EBSCO databases, including:
"NewsBank" (2:56; clip automatically starts at 24 seconds) is by Butte College Library
"Getting Started with Nexis Uni" (1:55) by University of Alabama Libraries is licensed under CC BY 3.0