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HUM 15 Pimentel: Scholarly Journals and Resources

Accessing the Databases

Cultural Reference Databases

Newspapers and Periodicals

Knowledge Check!

Databases in the EbscoHOST group

Selecting the specific databases to use for your subject is the first step in a successful EBSCO search.  For this class, please choose the following (note: do NOT select all):

  • Academic Search Complete

  • Omni File Complete

  • Master File Complete

  • Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection

  • Psyc Info

  • Communications and Mass Media

Once in EBSCO, choose your databases by selecting Choose Databases.

Select and Log in using your Merced College Portal Student.Name and Password

Select from the list of 30+ EBSCO databases 2 ways:

1: From the list of all databases:



2.  From within an EBSCO database: