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Business: Citing Law, Cases and Codes


APA format can be used to cite Court Cases as well as US Federal and State Codes.  You must include an in text citation when quoting or paraphrasing within your essay or else you'll be plagiarising!

Some other helpful examples include:

In text citations are shorter citations used in the body of the text to attribute quotes and paraphrased sections to the appropriate parties.

Reference pages list the long version of these citations on a separate page. There should be one for each source used in the essay and they should be alphabetized based on the first word in the citation.

The BlueBook

Both citation styles are available in the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation


MLA format can be used to cite Court Cases and Acts. You must include an in text citation when quoting or paraphrasing within your essay or else you'll be plagiarizing!

Some other helpful examples include:

n text citations are shorter citations used in the body of the text to attribute quotes and paraphrased sections to the appropriate parties.

Reference pages list the long version of these citations on a separate page. There should be one for each source used in the essay and they should be alphabetized based on the first word in the citation.

Court Cases & Acts

In text citation

     Basic format: Name the act or case either in a signal phrase or in parentheses.

          *Italicize the names of cases but not the names of acts.

     Example of a Court Case: In Brown v. Board of Education the United States Supreme Court outlawed segregated schools.

     Example of an Act: The Clear Air Act regulates emissions to protect the air quality of the United States.

Reference page

     Basic format for a Court Case: Name v. Name. Volume Name Page Number of the Law Report. Court Name. Year of Decision. Publication Information.

     Example of a Court Case: Utah v. Evans. 536 US 452. Supreme Court of the US. 2002. Supreme Court Collection. Legal Information Inst., Cornell U Law School, n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2008.