"Living Testimony From The Holocaust." , directed by Anonymous , produced by Cathrine Wik. , Nordic World, 2006. Alexander Street, https://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch/living-testimony-from-the-holocaust
"Oh, You Black Bird: The Forgotten Holocaust of the Romanies," directed by B Rychik, produced by Czech Television, Filmaker's Library, 2001 https://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch/oh-you-black-bird-the-forgotten-holocaust-of-the-romanies?account_id=40749&usage_group_id=57341
Use the following library databases to find more streaming videos.
ProQuest's Alexander Street products are curated, discipline-focused, primary-source collections, websites, and streaming media for learning and research.
Films Media Group is the leading source of high-quality video and multimedia for academic, vocational and life-skills content. Films Media Group serves the education community through its four brands: Films for the Humanities and Sciences, Cambridge Educational, Meridian Education, and Shopware.
Collection focuses on both current and hard-to-find titles for educational instructional purposes, including literary adaptations, blockbusters, classics, Academy Award winners, and more.
Educators count on Cambridge to provide outstanding media resources that support the development of the whole student, both in and out of the classroom. Cambridge programs provide a practical, accurate, and reliable foundation of knowledge that helps students think through opportunities and choices and reach their potential at school, in work, and in life.
If you are a resident of Merced County, the Merced County Library provides Kanopy, a streaming video database. All you need to access it is a Merced County Library account.