"Britannica Online" (5:17; video clip will automatically start at 1:01) is by Diablo Valley College Library
"An Introduction to Gale Ebooks" (5:15; video clip will automatically start at 2:11) is by PCC Library is licensed under CC BY 4.0
While this video doesn't include Asian American Experience as it was made available beginning in September 2022, it is a similar product to the other ABC CLIO databases in this series, including African American Experience, American Indian Experience, and Latino American Experience.
"American Indian, African American, and Latino American Experience Databases- NYPL" (9:21; video clip will automatically start at 2:51) is by HomeworkNYC
"Salem Press - Search Walk-Through" (2:52) by Lincoln Land Community College Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0.
"Gale Academic OneFile Database Search" (4:13; video automatically starts at 55 seconds) by Sandburg Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0
"Introduction to the New EBSCOhost - Tutorial" (3:39) is by EBSCO Tutorials
This general EBSCO tutorial will work for most of the library's 30+ EBSCO databases. except EBSCO eBooks and Consumer Health Complete.
"Using Ethnic NewsWatch to find articles from the CCC Library" (2:04; video automatically starts at 53 seconds) by Contra Costa College Library is licensed under CC BY 3.0
"JSTOR isn't Google: Quick tips on searching JSTOR" (4:20; video automatically starts at 0:37) is by JSTOR.
"Literature Resource Center" (video automatically starts at 1:01 and ends at 5:46) is by Erie CC.