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ENGL 01A Withers

College Composition and Reading


Why Cite?

  • To give credit to others for their ideas
  • To provide support for your argument
  • To help your reader find and read the sources you used

When to Cite

  • Paraphrasing, summarizing, or directly quoting from any source
  • Acknowledging another person for an idea
  • Using your own previous work

How to Cite

MLA citation requires two parts:

  1. In-Text Citations: brief citations included within the text of your paper. They point your reader to the full citation at the end of your paper.
  2. Work Cited Page: a page at the end of your paper listing all the sources you use

Watch the Video

"This video introduces the purpose and basic conventions of citing sources in-text and Works Cited using the [MLA] Style, 9th edition, 2021."

MLA Handbook

Free Microsoft 365 Access

All Merced College students have access to Microsoft 365 (formerly branded as Office 365), which includes Word, through student email.

Paper Format

In-Text Citation

Works Cited Page

Workshop, Slides, and Tutorial