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ENGL 01 Diaz: About Reference Sources

College Composition and Reading

Reference Sources

  • For basic facts, definitions, & overviews of theories or topics, use reference sources from print or online encyclopedias, handbooks, manuals, which you can find through library's physical collection and library databases or on the open web.
  • Some websites can also serve as reference sources. 

5 Reasons to Use Reference Sources

Encyclopedia Example

Use the Index

  • The index, located at the back of the book, is an alphabetical list of the specific subjects covered in the book, along with the corresponding page numbers.
  • Indexes may provide names, dates, events, geographic locations, and other terms related to the contents of the book.
  • An index can also provide keywords that might be useful for further research on a topic.
  • If an encyclopedia is a multi-volume set, the last volume is usually the index.
  • For electronic encyclopedias, the index is typically searchable.

Image of an index