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COMM 01 Young: Suggested Databases

Fundamentals of Speech

Databases to Get Started

Explore the suggestions below. Many databases contain a mixture of sources types, while others may contain one type of source. Read the database descriptions to determine if the database contains the kind of information you are interested in.

Many databases have filters for:

  • full-text (i.e., articles that are available to read right away)
  • publication type (e.g., news, magazines, peer-reviewed journals, etc.)
  • publication date (e.g., 2010-2020)

Some databases will also have limiters for language, methodology, geography, etc. The available filters will depend on the specific database.

Database limiters


To find more databases, visit the library's Databases A-Z list. You will need to choose which databases to search in from the list. You can search for a specific database by name in the search box or use the filters to limit the databases by subject area.


eBooks & Reference

News, Magazine, & Scholarly Articles from Multiple Subjects

Pro / Con

News, Magazine, & Scholarly Articles Related to History

News Articles