If your institution uses JSTOR Forum, a media management and cataloging tool created by Artstor, you might see collections in the Artstor Workspace that have been put there by your institution, or, in some cases, by partner institutions that share network access with yours.
Images that are owned by your institution--or by network access partners--will be designated in search results and on the image detail page with an "Institutional" icon:
These collections are owned by your institution and are merely viewable alongside Artstor Digital Library content in the Workspace; they are not part of the Artstor Digital Library's collections, which means your institution’s rules and policies about copyright will apply to these images and the rights for these image are managed by your institution. Please check the "rights" field in the image data to learn more about how you can use these images and see section 4.3 of our Terms and Conditions for more information.
There are two ways to limit your search results to only content owned by your institution or those in its shared network. First, you can conduct a keyword search, then select "Institutional Collections" from the Filtered Search panel on the left:
Alternately, you can conduct an Advanced Search and limit your results to your institution's collections by checking "Institutional Collections" in the lower right of the Advanced Search window: