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ENGL 01B - Chavez: Articles & Film Reviews

Articles & Film Reviews from Library Databases

Here are some library databases you can try to find newspaper, magazine, journal articles, and film and television reviews. Some of the databases allow you to set limits by document type, such as television and film reviews.

Articles from Open Access Journals

Open access journals are free journals (don't require a subscription) and provide immediate, online access to the results of scholarly research. Some are peer-reviewed, some are not. Some are predatory. Make sure to evaluate any publications or articles you might find for free online.

Articles from Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to help you discover other scholarly items. You won't be able to access some of the articles, but if there's a promising title or an article you'd like to pursue further, you can check to see if we subscribe to that journal. If it's not something we have, we can try to get from another library.

Creating a Personal Library of Google Scholar Articles

How to Create Google Scholar Alerts

Google Scholar Search