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STEM at Merced College

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology

Image attribution: Educaciòn STEM by Gabriel Ocaña Rebollo is licensed under CC-BY-SA 


Welcome to Merced College's Online Resource Guide for

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Resources

The tabs are designed to support each area of STEM.  There are links to books, journals (print and electronic), blogs, newletters and interesting links.

If you have any questions or have resources you think we've missed, please let us know at or

What is STEM

Kids in STEM - Kids in STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Source: Blog

Interested in a Career in STEM?

Interested in not just a job but a career?  Check out these resources.

STEM: What is it and why is it important

The Superpowers of STEM

Women in STEM

STEM Databases for Journal and Magazine Articles

The following is the list of STEM-related databases available to Merced college students, faculty, and staff.

STEM Print Magazines

The following is the list of print magazines related to STEM that are available to Merced College students, faculty, and staff.  Some of these may be accessed through their own websites.  We have access to many, many more in the Merced College databases.

The publication websites are linked below for indexing but full access to these resources is through either our print or online collections.


Chemical and Engineering News


National Geographic


Science News

Scientific American

STEM Websites

This list of links provides educational resources, both paid and OER as well as a science advocacy site.

People of Color (POC) in STEM